Implementing Chaos Engineering on Redis with LitmusChaos: Simulating Leader Pod Failures

Implementing Chaos Engineering on Redis with LitmusChaos: Simulating Leader Pod Failures

This tutorial offers a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to simulate leader pod failures in a Redis cluster using LitmusChaos.


In today's distributed systems, ensuring the resilience of stateful applications like Redis is paramount. Chaos engineering provides a proactive approach to identify potential weaknesses by intentionally introducing failures.


Before diving into the chaos experiments, ensure you have the following:

  • Kubernetes Cluster: A running Kubernetes cluster (v1.20 or later).

  • kubectl: Command-line tool configured to interact with your cluster.

  • Helm: Package manager for Kubernetes applications.

  • LitmusChaos: Installed in your cluster. If not already installed, follow the LitmusChaos installation guide.

  • Redis Cluster: Deployed in your Kubernetes environment.

Understanding the Kubernetes Architecture

Before we start, it's essential to understand how Kubernetes manages workloads. Redis in Kubernetes typically runs as a StatefulSet, ensuring ordered and persistent pod management.

Step 1: Deploying a Redis Cluster

For this tutorial, we'll deploy a Redis cluster using the Bitnami Helm chart.

1. Add the Bitnami Repository

helm repo add bitnami

2. Install Redis Cluster

helm install redis-cluster bitnami/redis-cluster

This command deploys a Redis cluster with default configurations.

3. Verify the Redis Cluster Deployment

kubectl get pods

Expected output:

NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
redis-cluster-0       1/1     Running   0          2m
redis-cluster-1       1/1     Running   0          2m
redis-cluster-2       1/1     Running   0          2m

Step 2: Installing LitmusChaos

If LitmusChaos isn't already installed in your cluster, proceed with the following steps:

1. Add Litmus Helm Repository

helm repo add litmuschaos

2. Install LitmusChaos

helm install litmus litmuschaos/litmus

This installs the LitmusChaos components in the litmus namespace.

Step 3: Understanding Chaos Experiments

LitmusChaos offers various predefined experiments. For simulating a leader pod failure in Redis, we'll use the pod-delete experiment.

The experiment will delete a Redis leader pod and observe how the system recovers.

Step 4: Configuring the Chaos Experiment

1. Create a Chaos Namespace

kubectl create namespace redis-chaos

2. Define the Chaos Experiment

Create a file named redis-pod-delete-experiment.yaml with the following content:

kind: ChaosExperiment
  name: pod-delete
  namespace: redis-chaos
    scope: Namespaced
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["pods"]
        verbs: ["delete"]
    image: "litmuschaos/go-runner:latest"
      - -c
      - ./experiments/generic/pod_delete/pod_delete.test
      - /bin/bash

3. Apply the Chaos Experiment

kubectl apply -f redis-pod-delete-experiment.yaml

Step 5: Configuring the Chaos Engine

The ChaosEngine links the application under test (Redis) with the chaos experiment.

1. Create a ChaosEngine Definition

Create a file named redis-chaos-engine.yaml with the following content:

kind: ChaosEngine
  name: redis-chaos
  namespace: redis-chaos
    appns: default
    applabel: ""
    appkind: StatefulSet
  chaosServiceAccount: litmus-admin
    - name: pod-delete
            - name: TARGET_POD
              value: "redis-cluster-0"

2. Apply the ChaosEngine

kubectl apply -f redis-chaos-engine.yaml

Step 6: Running the Chaos Experiment

Once everything is set up, we can now initiate the chaos experiment.

  1. Start the Experiment
kubectl annotate statefulset redis-cluster"true"
kubectl apply -f redis-chaos-engine.yaml
  1. Observe the Experiment Execution
kubectl get pods -n redis-chaos

This command will show the status of the LitmusChaos experiment.

  1. Monitor Logs
    To monitor experiment execution in real-time:
kubectl logs -f <chaos-pod-name> -n redis-chaos

Step 7: Analyzing the Results

Once the experiment completes, observe the impact on the Redis cluster:

  • Was the leader pod successfully deleted?

  • Did the cluster automatically elect a new leader?

  • Were there any service disruptions?

Use kubectl describe pods and kubectl logs commands to analyze the system’s behavior.